Multi-Wavelength Laser Opacity Study of a Hybrid Rocket Plume

A. P. Chouinard, A. J. Adams, A. M. Wright, and M. K. Hudson

ABSTRACT: An instrumentation system was developed to measure the opacity of a hybrid rocket plume as a function of optical wavelength. The source consisted of collineated beams from two lasers, providing seven wavelengths in a single probe beam. Detection was accomplished with a spectrograph equipped with a photodiode array. Previous work with a two- present work was to investigate the feasibility of using a multiple wavelength system to acquire more detailed information about the particulates present in the published extinction coefficient curves from Mie scattering theory. While it was found that light level fluctuations in the system prevent definitive conclusions, the data suggests that the particulate matter in the plume may consist of some optically transparent material. This is in contrast to the absorbing, soot-like material that might be expected in a hybrid rocket plume.

Keywords: combustion diagnostics, rocket ground testing, particle analysis, opacity, aerosol, hybrid rocket

Ref: JPyro, Issue 15, 2002, pp65-72

© Journal of Pyrotechnics and CarnDu Ltd

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