Chapter III — Accroides

The following article was reprinted from The Technology of Natural Resins, by C. L. Mantell, C. W. Kopf, J. L. Curtis, and E. M. Rogers, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1942) pp 14–21.

Chapter III — Accroides: Gum accroides is the resinous product obtained from various members of the species Xanthorrhoea of the natural order Juncaceae, which occurs throughout Australia and Tasmania in red and yellow forms. The resin is also known as red gum, gum acaroid, grass tree gum, “Black Boy” gum, yacca or yacka gum, and Botany Bay resin. The last-named resin is relatively scarce. The yellow variety is the product of Xanthorrhoea hastilis. All other Xanthorrhoea trees yield the red resin. The bulk, of commercial red gum is obtained from South Australia and Kangaroo Island and is the product of Xanthorrhoea tateana.[1]

Ref: JPyro, Issue 15, 2002, pp77-80

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