Review of: Pollution Caused by Fireworks – D. Gnauth White

Pollution Caused by Fireworks
D. Gnauth White

Review by: Monona Rossol

In reference to the letter published in Issue 7, “Another Fog Study” by Monona Rossol, the data Ms. Rossol presented does not support her conclusion. The data indicates that something is happening during the performance to reduce the musicians’ lung function, but the data does not show that “clearly special effects are harming the musicians”. The summary of Dr. Moline’s report does not say what is doing this, it only notes the effect. The special effects could be doing this, or it could be something else.

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Ref: JPyro, Issue 10, 1999, pp60-61

© Journal of Pyrotechnics and CarnDu Ltd

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One thought on “Review of: Pollution Caused by Fireworks – D. Gnauth White

  1. There is a typo. At least, as far as I can recall, the authors name is Gnauck White, not Gnauth White.

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