Review of: The Chemistry of Explosives by Jacqueline Akhavan

The Chemistry of Explosives
Jacqueline Akhavan

Review by: K. L. Kosanke

This 173-page, paper-bound book was published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RCS) and authored by Jacqueline Akhavan of Cranfield University, Royal Military College of Science, United Kingdom. The text potentially helps fill a gap in the literature of explosives by providing more information on the chemistry of manufacturing and functioning of explosives. Unfortunately, it still is much more a text about explosives than it is about the chemistry of explosives. Even more unfortunately, it is not a particularly good book. Its approach is fairly superficial and it contains a disturbing number of errors.

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Ref: JPyro, Issue 10, 1999, pp69-70

© Journal of Pyrotechnics and CarnDu Ltd

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