Review of: The Chemistry of Explosives by Jacqueline Akhavan

The Chemistry of Explosives
by Jacqueline Akhavan

Review by Barry Sturman

The prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is the professional organization of Britain’s chemists. It also publishes many books and journals on chemistry and related subjects, including RSC Paperbacks. According to the Society, “RSC Paperbacks are a series of inexpensive texts suitable for teachers and students and give a clear, readable introduction to selected topics in chemistry. They should also appeal to the general chemist.”[1a] A book from this source on the chemistry of explosives is expected to be a very useful addition to the literature, especially when the author is a Senior Lecturer at Cranfield University, Royal Military College of Science, UK.

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Ref: JPyro, Issue 10, 1999, pp71-72

© Journal of Pyrotechnics and CarnDu Ltd

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