Novel Powder Fuel for Firework Display Rocket Motors

Barry Cook

ABSTRACT: An inexpensive, readily prepared and relatively insensitive powdered fuel suitable for the filling of small firework display rocket motors using a funnel and rammer technique is discussed. Firework display rocket motors are typically cardboard or aluminium tubes filled with a gunpowder derivative. Consolidation is achieved by incremental filling and pressing or, as at Standard Fireworks, by a mechanically operated funnel and rammer system. The objective was to provide a simple inhouse method to prepare a free-flowing powdered fuel compatible with the available filling equipment. The raw materials are inexpensive and readily available. The paper will discuss the following aspects: choice of binding agent for the powder, choice of raw materials and relative proportions, hazarddata, and performance data.

Ref: JPyro, Issue 7, 1998, pp59-64

© Journal of Pyrotechnics and CarnDu Ltd

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