Studies of the Thermal Stability and Sensitiveness of Sulfur/Chlorate Mixtures Part 1. Introduction

D. Chapman, R. K. Wharton and G. E. Williamson

ABSTRACT: The presence of sulfur/chlorate mixtures in fireworks compositions has been proposed as the cause of numerous accidents in production and storage. A series of accidents after the introduction of the 1875 Explosives Act led to additional legislation to prohibit such mixtures in the UK. In this paper, as part of an ongoing programme to quantify the hazards associated with the presence of the mixture in fireworks compositions, we have reviewed previously published work and give an outline of the approach we will take in our current research.

Keywords: sulfur, chlorate, pyrotechnics, fireworks, reactivity, accidents, safety

Ref: JPyro, Issue 6, 1997, pp30-34

© Journal of Pyrotechnics and CarnDu Ltd

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