Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Simple Lilac Flame Composition

B. T. Sturman and K. L. Kosanke Abstract: A simple lilac flame composition consisting of 80% potassium nitrate and 20% shellac was investigated by emission spectroscopy and thermodynamic modeling. The flame from the burning composition had a reddish-pink core with a brighter pale lilac outer envelope. The core of the flame is presumably close to …
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Reaction propagation between fireworks shells and compositions confined in steel pipes

 E. Contestabile and B. von Rosen Abstract: This study presents the experimental results on the ignition of linear arrays of fi reworks articles and bulk stars and describes their propensity to mass explode. Star and report shells, roman candles, and bulk cylindrical and spherical stars were functioned in steel pipes through initiation with a small …
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Interior Pressure in the Mortar and Motion of a No. 3 Shell in a Fireworks Shot

Yuzo Ooki, Dayu Ding, Masamori Higaki and Tadao Yoshida* Abstract: Interior pressure in a fireworks mortar and initial velocity for the shot of a no. 3 shell were measured and results were analyzed. The observed initial velocity was mainly explained by the action of the interior pressure during the shot. On the other hand, a …
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2nd Workshop on Pyrotechnic Combustion Mechanisms

Ernst-Christian Koch and Rutger Webb For the second time the “Workshop on Pyrotechnic Combustion Mechanisms” was held at Fraunhofer ICT in Pfinztal, Germany, preceding the combined 32nd IPS and 36th ICT Seminar in Karlsruhe. The Workshop had 41 registered participants from Germany, Poland, UK, USA, Israel, Turkey, Austria, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands. This event …
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The Combustion Products of Novel High-Nitrogen Energetic Materials

David E. Chavez, Michael A. Hiskey, My Hang Huynh, Darren L. Naud, Steven F. Son and Bryce C. Tappan Abstract: High-nitrogen energetic materials based on the tetrazine and tetrazole ring systems have shown unique and unpredictable combustion behavior. Unlike traditional energetic compounds, such as 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), which derive their energy by the …
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Laser-Initiated Reactions of Energetic/Thermitic Composites

Jared C. Gump and Suhithi M. Peiris Abstract: Researchers are attempting to prepare smaller (nano-scale) metal particles, and nano-scale thermitic (metal–metal-oxide) composites. When added to energetic compositions, these nano-materials could burn during or close behind the shock front produced by an explosive material. Therefore, investigation of their combustion kinetics is important, especially when the investigation …
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New Approaches to Model Pyrotechnic Reactions

Stefan Kelzenberg, Norbert Eisenreich and Volker Weiser Abstract: In most cases pyrotechnic mixtures are constituted from granular components. A theoretical study of such a granular system describes the temperature and concentration evolution in the energetic material by using hot spots as source terms for temperature and particles. The progress of the reaction is mainly influenced …
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Thermal Characterisation and Kinetic Modelling of Pyrotechnic Flash Composition under Adiabatic Conditions

S. P. Sivapirakasam, M. Surianarayanan* and R. Vijayaraghavan Abstract: A pyrotechnic flash composition consisting of 53% KNO3, 30% Al and 17% S is subjected to Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC) studies. The onset point for thermal explosion is 191 ºC resulting in the generation of a considerable quantity of gaseous products. The mixture is vulnerable to …
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JPyro – Issue 22, Winter 2005 – Contents

Full Papers: Interior Pressure in the Mortar and Motion of a No. 3 Shell in a Fireworks Shot A Prediction of Aerial Shell and Comet Trajectories Using SHELLCALC© Reaction propagation between fireworks shells and compositions confined in steel pipes Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Simple Lilac Flame Composition A Thrust and Impulse Study of …
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A Prediction of Aerial Shell and Comet Trajectories Using SHELLCALC©

John Harradine and Tom Smith Abstract: This paper describes a model for predicting the path of aerial shells and Roman candle comets. This model, incorporated in a Microsoft® Excel-based freeware program, SHELLCALC©, predicts the trajectoryof these fireworks using point mass equations for range and height. These equations are modifi ed to take into consideration mortar/candle …
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