Review of: Amateur Rocket Motor Construction – David Sleeter

Amateur Rocket Motor Construction David Sleeter Review by John Steinberg As President of the Pyrotechnics Guild International and as an avid rocket enthusiast myself, it gives me great pleasure to provide a glowing review for this exemplary text. Superlatives are truly in order. While my personal interests lie more along the lines of pyrotechnic rocketry, …
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Industrial Scale Nano-Aluminum Powder Manufacturing

David Pesiri, Christopher E. Aumann, Luke Bilger, David Booth, R. Doug Carpenter, Rob Dye, Edward O’Neill, Debbie Shelton, and Kevin C. Walter ABSTRACT: Producing nano-aluminum powder (n-Al) on a commercial scale places a great deal of emphasis on practical manufacturing issues. Scientists and engineers in the laboratory commonly evaluate nano-aluminum powder in the technical terms …
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Experimenting with High Explosive Fuel Explosions for Movies and Television

Stephen Miller ABSTRACT: A number of ‘brute force’ techniques used within the special effects industry utilise high explosives to create the classic ‘Hollywood’ style fuel explosion seen in many a movie and television programme. Limited experiments have shown that application of techniques similar to those used in shaped charge anti-tank weapons (the Munroe effect) can …
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Metal Monochloride Emitters in Pyrotechnic Flames — Ions or Neutrals?

Barry Sturman ABSTRACT: Twelve English-language books on pyrotechnics were surveyed for the authors’ views on the nature of the metal monochlorides that are associated with the emission of colored light in pyrotechnic flames. Three of the ten authors stated that the emitters were metal chloride ions (MCl+), five that they were neutral metal chloride molecules (MCl), …
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Fireworks Shells Subjected To a Modified Height-To-Detonation Test

E. Contestabile, R. Guilbeault, D. Wilson, and B. von Rosen ABSTRACT: Initiation of fireworks articles, as by a fire, can result in communication to adjacent articles and at times transition to a mass explosion. Such an event can be catastrophic. In a quest to discover the process by which this transition occurs and thereby work …
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Review of: Pyrotechnic Chemistry

Pyrotechnic Chemistry Reviewed by Tony Cardell Having spent more than 42 very enjoyable years working with energetic materials, particularly in the areas of military pyrotechnics and fireworks, I know the frustration faced by so many workers, both new and experienced, with the almost impossible task of finding useful reference books on these very specialized subjects.  …
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Review of: Pyrotechnic Chemistry

Pyrotechnic Chemistry, Journal of Pyrotechnics Reviewed by Bernard E. Douda Pyrotechnic Chemistry is the fourth in the Pyrotechnic Reference Series produced by the publisher of the Journal of Pyrotechnics. It is composed of nineteen stand-alone presentations each authored by pyrotechnic experts in their specialty area.  There are chapters dealing with pyrotechnic materials,  thermodynamics, ignition and …
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Review of: Pyrotechnic Chemistry

Pyrotechnic Chemistry Reviewed by John R. Steinberg, M. D. This is a collaborative work by many authors, resulting in many distinct writing styles between the various chapters; nevertheless the book provides a superb overview of the chemistry of pyrotechnics and various tangentially related topics. Given the stellar curricula vitae of the contributors, it is no …
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A Practical Performance Testing Protocol for Fireworks Mortar Tubes

Andrew Fischer ABSTRACT: The author’s development of an alternative design for a fireworks mortar coincided with the restructure of regulations concerning display fireworks in the State of Queensland, Australia. This new Code of Practice for the Display of Outdoor Fireworks has a requirement for manufacturers of equipment to develop performancebased tests that will prove the …
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