Speculation on the Explosive Decomposition of “Yellow Powder”

Bob Foreman, Jerry Ittenbach, and Calvin Swartzendruber Introduction: Attending a short-course in pyrotechnic chemistry provided the opportunity for the authors to study a little-understood historic explosive currently viewed primarily as a novelty and chemical curiosity. Part of the course was the preparation of a seminar. The instructors proposed the “yellow powder” seminar topic for the authors. …
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Review of: Protection against Substances Hazardous to Health – Confederation of British Industry

Protection against Substances Hazardous to Health – Confederation of British Industry Review by Monona Rossol This Guide was produced by a joint working party of the Explosives Industry Group of the Confederation of British Industry, including the Ministry of Defense and the Health and Safety Executive. Its purpose is to provide advice to those who …
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Review of: Head and Eye Protection: A Guide for Those Who Manufacture, Test, or Use Explosives – Confederation of British Industry

Head and Eye Protection: A Guide for Those Who Manufacture, Test, or Use Explosives Confederation of British Industry Review by Linda Pierpont This Guide is the third in a series of four on the subject of personal protection for the explosives industry. Although this study encompasses the needs of other industries, the main focus is …
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Review of: The Chemistry and Characteristics of Explosive Materials – James R. Cook, PhD

The Chemistry and Characteristics of Explosive Materials James R. Cook, PhD Review by Tom Smith This little volume, sensibly priced at $12.95, is a compilation of basic information and general characteristics of a range of explosives, based as the author  acknowledges, on previously published data. Click download link below for more information Ref: JPyro, Issue …
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Grass Tree Gum – Reprint of 1858 Article

The following was brought to our attention by Barry Sturman. It originally appeared in Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, Vol. 1, No. 3 (1858) pp 119–120. CORRESPONDENCE.  GRASS TREE GUM—(AUSTRALIAN DRAGON’S BLOOD) Letter from Dr. McCrea, Chief Medical Officer. C. M. O. Office, Melbourne, 23rd May, 1858. Click download link …
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Review of: Black Powder Manufacturing, Testing, and Optimizing – Ian von Maltitz

Black Powder Manufacturing, Testing, and Optimizing Ian von Maltitz Review by J Bergman As Mr. von Maltitz states in the preface, this work is not merely a second edition of his earlier book, Black Powder Manufacture, Methods and Techniques, as reviewed in Journal of Pyrotechnics No. 7 (Summer 1998). Despite similarities in its content and …
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Preface to Three Reviews of Pyrotechnics – A P Hardt

Pyrotechnics A P Hardt Reviews by B. E. Douda, S. D. Poehlein & S. K. Wilharm and B. Sturman On occasion, when a book to be reviewed has special significance, we have included more than one reviewer’s comments about it. In the present case we are including three reviews by authors with differing backgrounds, and …
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Review of: Proximate Special Effects Familiarization & Safety – J. Larry Mattingly, David A. Opperman, MD, Francis “Pinky” Pinkerton

Review of: Proximate Special Effects Familiarization & Safety  J. Larry Mattingly, David A. Opperman, MD, Francis “Pinky” Pinkerton Review by Stephen Miller M.I.Exp.E., After many years of drought, the rain is falling for those praying for a basic technical reference book on stage pyrotechnics. The stage and special effects industry as a whole has been …
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