Review of: Selected Pyrotechnic Publications of Dr. Takeo Shimizu, Part 3: Studies on Fireworks Colored-Flame Compositions

Selected Pyrotechnic Publications Dr. Takeo Shimizu, Part 3: Studies on Fireworks Colored-Flame Compositions Review by: Barry Sturman This latest volume in the Pyrotechnic Literature Series presents a series of papers on work done by Dr. Shimizu in 1958 at the Hosoya Fireworks Company. Originally published in the Journal of the Industrial Explosives Society, Japan, the …
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Review of: Explosives Engineering by Paul W. Cooper

Explosives Engineering Paul W. Cooper Review by: L. Weinman This book is intended as a non-trivial text for those interested in the technology and science that lies behind explosive events and devices. While the book starts with introductions to some very basic chemical concepts, this reviewer is of the opinion that the book’s intended audience …
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Review of: Fireworks Principles and Practice by Ronald Lancaster

Fireworks Principles and Practice Ronald Lancaster Review by: Barry Sturman It is unlikely that many readers of these pages have not yet bought a copy of the third edition of the Reverend Ronald Lancaster’s Fireworks Principles and Practice (Chemical Publishing, New York, 1998). Those who have ignored this edition, because they already own first or second …
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Review of: Pollution Caused by Fireworks – D. Gnauth White

Pollution Caused by Fireworks D. Gnauth White Review by: Monona Rossol In reference to the letter published in Issue 7, “Another Fog Study” by Monona Rossol, the data Ms. Rossol presented does not support her conclusion. The data indicates that something is happening during the performance to reduce the musicians’ lung function, but the data …
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Review of The Chemistry of Fireworks by Michael S. Russell

Review of The Chemistry of Fireworks Michael S. Russell Reveiw by Barry Sturman At first glance, this 117-page paperback book[1] looks very promising. According to the publisher’s description, the book “is aimed at students with ‘A’ level qualifications or equivalent. The style is concise and easy to understand, and the theory of fireworks is discussed …
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Review of: The Chemistry of Fireworks by Michael S. Russell

Review of The Chemistry of Fireworks Michael S. Russell Review by Paul Smith Michael S. Russell’s treatise on the chemistry involved in the composition of display fireworks is a welcome primer on the chemistry of pyrotechnics. While this book was written for the student with ‘A’ level qualification or equivalent, it has potential for use …
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Comment on: “Shell Altitude vs. Mortar Length” by R. Dixon

Shell Altitude vs. Mortar Length R. Dixon Review by Clive Jennings-White Ron Dixon has presented results on the correlation between the altitude achieved by a 3- inch (76-mm) shell and the length of the mortar from which it was fired. Provided that the mortar length was at least 18 inches (457 mm), there was no …
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Review of: Experimental Composite Propellant An Introduction to Properties and Preparation of Composite Propellant Design, Construction, Testing and Characteristics of Small Rocket Motors by Terry W. McCreary

Experimental Composite Propellant An Introduction to Properties and Preparation of Composite Propellant Design, Construction, Testing and Characteristics of Small Rocket Motors Terry W. McCreary Review by Terry W. McCreary There are many references available to address design, construction, and evaluation of chemical propulsion devices. Terry McCreary has provided a fresh look at the science and …
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Review of: Incendiary Art: The Representation of Fireworks in Early Modern Europe – Kevin Salatino

Incendiary Art: The Representation of Fireworks in Early Modern Europe Kevin Salatino  Review by Jim Malek This is a richly documented paperback book, one of the series called Bibliographies & Dossiers from the Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, documenting an exhibit held at the Institute in 1999. It contains …
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Review of: The Big Bang A History of Explosives – George I. Brown

The Big Bang A History of Explosives George I. Brown Review by Dave Caulkins George Brown’s The Big Bang, subtitled A History of Explosives is a good popular treatment of explosives from the ninth century AD to modern times. The first third of the book is taken up with gunpowder, starting with its obscure origins in …
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