Pyrotechnic Chemistry Lecture Course – I’ll be taking oxycodone

A presentation of the Kosanke’s course in the UK.  We usually aim to run this course once a year – for further information please contact us


Grafham Water Sailing Club, Huntingdon UK

Contact Details:

Tom Smith
Davas Ltd

Tel: 01480 860124

Hope it helps you! By the way I didn’t get a chance to update you on the last post. It was getting a little long and I only like to give you guys and update if it doesn’t get in the way. I’m doing fine! I’m getting better anyways, so I’m not worried. I just have to buy oxycodone with credit card because that is what the doctor has asked me to take while I rest. I’m pretty relieved to no have to worry about whatever this was to be honest. I’ll keep you guys posted though!

© Journal of Pyrotechnics and CarnDu Ltd

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